Monday, October 31, 2005


You see this is what I'm talking about! A female Star Wars fan weighs in on the great Sith vs. Jedi debate on AICN...

[But Sith edges out Jedi — if only because Sith lacks Ewoks, and because Sith's Emperor comes off as more than a cackling, flour-dipped prune who speaks in sound bites while lightning spews out of his fingers.]

What a bitch! Sith may not have Ewoks but it does have a lame giant CGI riding lizard, a rather nonthreatening coughing robot, token Wookie appearances, and a scene where Yoda goes down like a bitch (too many lines I have, away I must go). Also, Sith is over two hours of sound bites (i.e. "So this is how democracy ends. To thunderous applause."). Sith better than Jedi? Give me a fucking break.

Drax out.


At 2:24 PM, Blogger David said...

Well the good news is that you're not alone on the third aliens movie. By far the most intelligent of the bunch, in terms if its direction and acting talent.

And I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks Lucas didn't lose the plot after the first three films needs a lobotomy.

Drax, I've just added you to my rather small list of "blogs worth reading". In exchange for which, and since you're obviously on the same wavelength as me, I offer a link to my own online Cyberpunk story "i-con".

I won;t bother trying to sell it to you. It's obvious you've got an eye for quality, and if I didn't think it was worth your time I wouldn't waste your time or mine by passing it on. Just be kind enough to let me know what you think - for better or worse.

Cheers, mate.

David Steele, England


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