Nip/Tuck. Hooray for Tuesday. Only 3 new episodes left! What will I do when the season is over? Probably wait patiently for new episodes of FX's The Shield to start on January 10, 2006. Plug!
Nip/Yuck is so much more than a poor man's Six Feet's more like a rich man's soft-core pseudo surgery porn, with teenage threesomes, breast augmentation, feeding dead people to alligators, porn parties, and the guy with funny hair from The Single Guy galore!
What if one were to watch hardcore porn and Nip/Tuck? Just throwing that one out there. Of course, as the great David Spade once said, "I can't wack off to [HBO's] Autopsy. Or can I?" Happy Holidays everyone!
after having pfeiffer remind me of the barf-tastic alan ball-rubbing-his-own-balls dialogue between nate and nate sr. on the season finale of six feet under, i have finally decided that i do not like six feet under past the first 2 seasons. these characters he masterfully created suddenly "find their voices" and can mouth off faux-prophetic/philandering monologues a-plenty? fuck that.
nip/tuck's way better. (i'm only on the 3rd disc of the first season. it better stay this good.)
Nothing like the poor man's Six Feet Under on the poor man's HBO.
Nip/Yuck is so much more than a poor man's Six Feet's more like a rich man's soft-core pseudo surgery porn, with teenage threesomes, breast augmentation, feeding dead people to alligators, porn parties, and the guy with funny hair from The Single Guy galore!
What if one were to watch hardcore porn and Nip/Tuck? Just throwing that one out there. Of course, as the great David Spade once said, "I can't wack off to [HBO's] Autopsy. Or can I?" Happy Holidays everyone!
Drax out.
after having pfeiffer remind me of the barf-tastic alan ball-rubbing-his-own-balls dialogue between nate and nate sr. on the season finale of six feet under, i have finally decided that i do not like six feet under past the first 2 seasons. these characters he masterfully created suddenly "find their voices" and can mouth off faux-prophetic/philandering monologues a-plenty? fuck that.
nip/tuck's way better. (i'm only on the 3rd disc of the first season. it better stay this good.)
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