Friday, January 20, 2006


2006. Come now, there's still plenty to hate less than a month into the new year. Let's see what is bothering me lately.

Commander In Chief. Guess what? I hate it! Couldn't even watch 5 minutes of it. Total snoozefest. Apparently, officials in the Geena Davis Administration have embraced a policy of "phoning it in". Could the characters be more bland and cliched? Commander In Chief, I demand thee impeached!

The Machinist. Simply awful. A highly derivative mash-up of previous Christian Bale performances masqueradingas a fresh idea for a movie. Oh, I get it. His guilty conscience is causing him to waste away both physically and emotionally. Big fucking deal. Get over it. I liked this movie the first time when it was called American Psycho.

Land Of The Dead. I never thought it would come to this. The Dawn Of The Dead remake, at the time the worst affront to the legacy of George Romero, was better than this piece of shit. No semblance of a plot. Third rate satire. And Dialog that makes "God, I wish I knew how to quit you" look genius. Worst of all, the gore and violence were completely underwhelming. Was this even a movie? Seriously, it had less structure than a train wreck.

That's all for now. Eventually I'll see the gay cowboy movie, Spielbergo's "terrorists have feelings too" movie, and Terrence Malik's first bad movie. Till then...

Drax out.

P.S. Please do not misconstrue my "terrorists have feelings too" comment as a attempt to join the boorish chorus of conservative commentators who often object to slightest attempt to humanize terrorists. I went to college. I'm able think for myself. Blah, blah, blah. I was merely resenting the implication that we need a self-congratulatory Spielbergo rimjob to enlighten us to the fact that there is more than one side to the conflict in question.


At 10:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Agreed on Commander in Chief. This is what the tag line should be:

"Being the Commander in Chief is the second hardest job in the world. The hardest? Motherhood!"

At 6:40 AM, Blogger chris said...

BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!!! i am sorry you had to sit through both the machinist and land of the dead. MILLER?!??! KILLER??!!? no. FILLER is the answer, you cocksmoker, cuz that's all your movie is. NO MORE MONKEY BUSINESS!!!

gay cowboy movie ROCKS.

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well done, drax.

well done. cowboy movie...

- arun

At 5:10 PM, Blogger chris said...

hey whore! blog again! and get soderbergh some more coffee while you're at it!

At 7:52 PM, Blogger ThomP said...

I dig your disgust, Hear your hate and rate your rantings. I also hate, but in a different way... Behind the hair behind my eyes:(

Keep up the good work...

At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting Blog. Thanks.


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